How to apply for a job in Canada from Ghana

By | June 8, 2022
How To Apply For Canadian Visa In Ghana

Canada is a well-organized country with a good standard of living. Every year, thousands of immigrants from various parts of the world, including Ghana, migrate into the country to work. Getting a job in Canada would mean your prospective employer or a relative who is a Canadian resident will have to sponsor your working visa. With a little perseverance, you could apply from your home and get the job offer you are looking for. To start with, you could keep applying for job openings through a number of sites.

  • Here are some sites you could visit for Canadian job openings:

Now, you must know you are not the only one applying for jobs in Canada. For you to stand a better chance at getting your dream job in Canada, it is very important you have good skills.
As a Ghanaian interested in working in Canada, you must know that you must have a working visa before you can begin working in Canada which will be sponsored by your prospective employer or a relative residing in Canada.

To obtain this working visa, you will be required to successfully fulfill a number of requirements in the course of your application.

How to Apply for Canada Work Visa From Ghana

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to apply for Canadian work permit from Ghana.

Proof of Job Offer

According to Canadian immigration laws, a foreigner who wants to work in the country can only do so by getting a working visa. You must show proof of your eligibility by receiving a written job offer from your prospective employer.
This document ensures that a foreigner does not come into the country under false pretense but through a legitimate job offer.

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Documents Requirements for Canada Work Permit

Applications are required to show proof of the following documents.

  1. Curriculum vitae (CV) or a resume.
  2. Work experience and Education qualifications
  3. Travel Documents and Valid Passports List of Jobs You Can Get in Different Programs
  4. Federal skilled worker program
    Applicants are evaluated with six factors which are education (maximum 25 points), Language skills (English/French 28 points), Experience (9-15 points), Age (12 points are given to younger applicants from age range 18-35 years while those who are older, their points will be low), Adaptability (10 points), Arranged employment in Canada (10 points). To get into Canada, applicants must have a total of 67 points out of 100 points.

There are different categories of people who will want to apply for a job in Canada. We have the

  • Live career
  • foreign worker
  • student
  • And businessman.

Each applicant needs certain requirements before he/she can be accepted. They must have the appropriate education, recommendation from the previous employer with a proof of good command of English, knowledge of English/French.

When the application is approved he/she receives a visa to Canada. The applicant is being issued a document that approves the work permit. This clearly states your reason for being in Canada, the document which you are given contains the information about the location of your employer, the permitted work, the period which the employee which is you have to stay, and many other things.

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