God Answered Our Prayers, But Not In The Way We Expected – Children Of Late Elvis Kwashie

By | March 13, 2022
Tribute Read By Children of late Elvis Kwashie

Children of the former Joy Brands General Manager, Elvis Koku Kwashie, have paid a glowing tribute to their late father’s good humour and unfailing courtesy.

Seyram Kwashie, Sedem Kwashie and Senam Ama Kwashie on Saturday, March 12, participated in the final funeral rites performed by the Kwashie family to bid farewell to the media doyen.

In a very solemn manner, they delivered the tribute penned down by them.

Tribute Read By Children of late Elvis Kwashie

The three noted that they prayed fervently to God Almighty to heal their father who had been unwell for some time. They said not a single day passed without hearing Mr Kwashie complain of headaches and aches in all other parts of his body.

Their prayer was to see Elvis Kwashie bounce back to good health, going about his day-to-day activities.

But that was not the case, Seyram Kwashie said. She stated that God answered their prayer by ending the pain their father went through by seeing to his eternal repose.

“We are still in shock and in denial about your departure, but what can we say? We all love you very dearly but we could not do anything about your terrible headaches. But the one who loves you far more than we could ever love you has taken you away from your suffering. We asked God to heal you without a trace of whatever sickness you were suffering from and He answered our prayers but just not in a way we all expected. How can our Koku become just a memory….? Your girlfriend, Seyram, your photocopy Sedem and your little princess, Senam.”

RELATED:  You Were The Light Of My Life And Your Love Still Shines Bright – Wife Of Late Elvis Kwashie

Seyram described Elvis Kwashie as a mentor, best friend, playmate, problem solver and boss.

In his tribute, Sedem pledged to make his father proud as Mr Kwashie used to tell him “You are my only boy and you will make me proud, amidst your reminder for me to be courageous.”

Senam Ama Kwashie recounted how her dad used to ensure that she was well taken care of at all times.

“I miss how you used to take me to school every morning and how we always used to do devotion in the car, I miss when you used to take me out for breakfast before taking me to school, I miss when you used to tease me about my nose, when you used to tell me about how big it would become if I didn’t stop rubbing it, and how it’ll be shaped like that of a pig, I missed when you used to call me young adult but now there is no one to call me that.”

For this reason, she said, “we’ve all missed you dearly, we will really miss you.”

They concluded by noting that Joy Brands General Manager Elvis Kwashie fought a good fight.

On December 28, 2021, Mr Elvis Kwashie passed away. He died at the University of Ghana Medical Centre after a short illness.

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RELATED:  Elvis Koku Kwashie Biography And Net Worth

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