Anum Presby senior high school Uniform

Anum Presby senior high school is a mixed-gender school located in the Asuogyaman District in the Eastern Region. Anum Presby SHS belongs to the Category C list of senior high schools as updated by the Ghana Education Service in the 2020 School’s register. Before deciding on a suitable institution that will pique one’s interest in… Read More »

Koforidua Senior High Technical School Uniform

Koforidua Senior High Technical School, is one of the best secondary technical schools in Ghana. The school is located at Koforidua, the capital of the Eastern Region in southern Ghana. Koforidua Secondary technical is popularly referreed as Sec-Tech. Due to its academic prowess, , the school is ranked among the Class A schools in Ghana. In 2011 the… Read More »

Tema Senior High School Uniform

Tema Senior High School is a mixed school located at Tema community five. Tema Senior High School Is a Category A School and one of the senior high schools in Greater Accra. It is the oldest school in the Tema metropolis and it is about 200 metres from the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) hall Courses Offered The… Read More »

Labone SHS Uniform

Labone Senior High School (abbreviated as L-A Bone) is a public senior high school in Labone, Ghana’s Greater Accra Region. It is well-known for its involvement in national science and math competitions, as well as athletics, music, and cultural events. The school offers a variety of courses and you can look through them to find… Read More »

Ofori Panin Shs Uniform

Ofori Panin Senior High School (formerly Tafo-Kukurantumi Senior High school, now nicknamed OPASS) is a co-educational second cycle institution at Kukurantumi in the Eastern Region of Ghana.  Ofori Panin The school is ranked among the top Senior High Schools in the Eastern Region. History Kwame Nkrumah founded the school in 1961. Hon. Kofi Asante Ofori Attah, M.P. for Akim Abuakwa and… Read More »

St Peters Shs Uniform

St. Peter’s Senior High School, or PERSCO, is a Roman Catholic boys’ senior high school in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The school is among the top schools in Ghana to always get a representation in the National Science and Maths Quiz. St Peters Shs is famed for producing excellent students who come out as fine products of the school. Below… Read More »

oda senior high school uniform

Oda Senior High School (ODASCO) is a co-educational second-cycle institution in Akim Oda, located in the Birim Central Municipal District in the Eastern Region of Ghana The educational prowess of the institution cannot be overemphasized as it gets a fair representation at the National Sciernce and Maths Quiz. Their last show at the National Science and Maths Quiz (NSMQ) was at… Read More »

Yaa Asantewaa Senior high school uniform

Yaa Asantewaa Girls’ Senior High School popularly known as YAGSHS is an all-girls public senior high school located in Tanoso in the Atwima Mponua District of the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The institution has produced thousands of educated and influential women who work in government, administrative, and business circles in all spheres of the Ghanaian economy and the diaspora.  The school does… Read More »